Sunday, May 3, 2020 Service


Here is the worship service for today. It’s a beautiful collection with Jim Wentink and Jim ten Bensel and John De Haan and Polly Schrom and Eileen McLaughlin and Bob and Cindy Clague and Rose Zaremba and Carolyn Kolovitz and even yours truly.

It’s Communion Sunday, go ahead and get your bread and juice ready.

Talk to you soon.



P.S. this Sunday is a communion Sunday, go ahead and start prepping.

News Flash April 28, 2020

JUDSON NEWS FLASH April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020

What’s Happening?

At its April 21, 2020 meeting, the Judson Council focused on the process for conducting Judson business in the time of COVID-19. The Council passed two motions that address business that would normally be considered during an annual business meeting. The highlights of these two motions are:

  • To notify and inform  the congregation (via this news flash and an early-May mailing) of a project to replace the flat roof over the Judson Preschool and install solar panels on the new roof, and to solicit approval of this project from the congregation through mail-in ballots due in the office by May 25, 2020. (See section below “What Does the Judson Council Want from You?” for more information about how this will work.)
  • To postpone the adoption of a 2020-2021 budget and election of new Judson Council and committee members until about August 1, at which time we hope to be able to gather again for an actual meeting. The current Council and committee members will continue to serve until that time, and the current budget will serve as a guide for spending in the interim.

What’s Going On With the Roof?

The flat roof over the Judson Preschool needs to be replaced. Why?

  • The current roof is 30+ years old. Replacement is due under normal circumstances, but in the last few years it has frequently leaked during rains. Several valiant attempts to stop the roof from leaking have been made by the Property Committee and professional roofers. There is general agreement that the roof has seen its day.
  • Solar panel contractors have told us that we must replace the roof before the panels can be installed, but as noted above we need to replace the roof regardless of the solar opportunity.
  • We anticipate the cost of a new roof to be in the $90,000 to $110,000 range based on the bids received so far. The Finance committee believes that by using some of our Property Reserve Funds in combination with our line of credit we can finance the roof project without conducting a capital campaign.

What You Need to Know About the Solar Project.

This is a fortuitous time to pursue the potential of creating some of our own energy through the use of solar panels:

  • First and foremost, reducing Judson’s carbon footprint is consistent with the desire to be good stewards of the earth. The 50th anniversary of Earth Day seems like a good time to be acting on this possibility.
  • Our relationship with Minnesota Inter-Faith Power and Light has enabled us to partner with other churches and non-profits to create an economically viable coalition of solar energy users. This opportunity is available now at favorable terms with Xcel Energy.
  • Loans to purchase and install the solar equipment emanate from the Minnesota Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program at a moderate rate of interest.
  • Projected energy cost savings resulting from installing solar panels on the flat roof above the Judson Pre-school will be more than sufficient to pay for the PACE loan.
  • We must have a signed contract in place with the solar installers by May 31 in order to be eligible for the terms currently available. Delaying could reduce our savings.

What Does the Judson Council Want from You?

We will mail you additional details in early May (including a Q&A) about the solar project and roof replacement. The mailing will also include an appropriate motion printed on a mail-in ballot. Please:

  • Read the information about the benefits of installing solar panels on the new roof, focusing on how the opportunity exists now, on the potential energy savings to Judson, and on the benefits to the environment.
  • Read the information about the need for replacing the roof and how it will be financed.
  • Consider attending one of the information sessions that are being planned via Zoom.
  • Mail your completed ballot back to Judson so that it is received by May 25.

The Two-Month Committee and Budget Extension

The Judson Council recognizes this is a challenging time in many ways for all people, and the challenge trickles down to the level of deciding on a 2020-2021 expense budget and slate of officers and committee members in a manner consistent with our practices and values. Our intent is to conduct Judson’s business in such a manner that includes as many people as possible during a time when we cannot gather. As a result, the Judson Council has voted to implement what might be called a “continuing resolution” which pushes the formal 2020-2021 budget and committee slate decisions off until the first part of August, when we hope to be able to meet again in person. In the meantime, the current Judson Council and committee members will stay in place and spending will continue at the level adopted in the 2019-2020 budget. If we still cannot meet in early August, an alternative approach to soliciting your input and vote on church officers and expense budget will be implemented.

We know this alternative process is not what we are accustomed to. We are trying to be consistent with spirit of the Judson Constitution regarding decision making but are somewhat hindered by the effects of the coronavirus. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and action in this time. We are blessed to be in such good company.

Travis Norvell, Pastor: Brad Joern, Moderator; Judson Council Members

Signup for Judson Connections Email

Judson News Flash, March 15, 2020

March 15, 2020

What is happening?

The Judson Council voted today to suspend all non-essential Judson gatherings effective March 16, 2020. The Council also voted to inform members and friends of Judson by the end of March as to the status of the suspension moving forward into April, based on recommendations at that time by government officials and health professionals. This was a challenging decision, made in what we believe is in the best interests of the Judson community as well as the wider Minnesota community.

What does this mean?

The most notable result is that we will not be gathering at Judson on Sundays for worship and education for now. Nor will there be any other large non-essential gatherings at Judson. Pastoral care and the important work of the Congregational Care committee will continue as usual. If you or a loved one has specific needs such as groceries, prescriptions, etc. resulting from the virus or any other cause, please contact Travis (612-300-6746) or the office (612-822-0649). At this time, we anticipate Meals on Wheels, the services of Grove Counseling, and similar activities will continue. During this time, the office staff will not be at Judson but rather will be “working from home”.  The staff will check in for mail and phone messages and to conduct essential tasks. The building will remain heated as usual on non-worship days. We decided that the church will get a special cleaning before we resume our usual activities.

How will we worship?

We encourage everyone to hold Sunday morning for an electronic Judson worship experience. Videos will be available of Travis offering mediations, prayers, and other inspirational thoughts each week. These videos will be available live (and saved) on Facebook on the Judson Facebook page. For those of us who are not on Facebook, a link to the saved videos will be posted on the Judson website at Other inspirational messages will be posted as well.

How will we stay connected?

One of the hallmarks of Judson is its invitational personality—its desire to be “in community” with one another. During this time, we will need to be creative and intentional about staying in community when we are unable to meet face to face. The Council is initiating a Judson calling tree as a way to touch base with every member/friend household at least once per week. Council members will start making these calls during the latter part of the week starting March 16. But don’t let that get in the way of reaching out to others as well. We will all need more than a little TLC before this is over. In addition, we are hoping to enlist the services of our younger members who are out of school in the effort to help or to stay in touch.

What if I have a special need such as the death of a family member?

It is our hope that this doesn’t happen, but in the event of a death we will consider conducting a public funeral on a case by case basis, taking into consideration the intensity level of the virus at the time, the number of potential attendees, whether the funeral could be postponed, etc.

We all wish we didn’t have to take this step, but as a group we felt it necessary to do our part in helping to stem the spread of the virus. Stay well. We will get through this. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, keep the faith, and use the wonders of technology to stay connected, read the Judson emails. This event, as terrible as it is, has a real potential of making us a stronger community.

Travis Norvell, Pastor; Brad Joern, Moderator; Judson Council Members

47th Annual Minneapolis Trombone Choir Concert

It’s almost here — Minneapolis Trombone Choir annual concert 47th Annual Concert with guest artists — Bassoon Bash!

Sunday, March 15th, 3:00 p.m.
Judson Memorial Baptist Church
4101 Harriet Av. Minneapolis

Thirty-five of the area’s top trombonists are rehearsing for the big show, even as you read this. Enjoy classical, big band, light jazz, show tunes and more, including a few original compositions by some of our performers. All of this on a delightful Sunday mid-afternoon. General admission and open seating at the door. Donations gratefully accepted ($15 suggesred). All proceeds go to the special music fund at Judson. Accessible entrance on Harriet; elevator access. If you have not heard the Minneapolis Trombone Choir yet, it’s your chance now to join the hundreds of fans. See you there.

Holocaust Cantata Songs from the Camps

Holocaust Cantata Songs from the Camps – The Twin Cities Jewish Chorale and the Judson Memorial Baptist Church Choir will unite to perform “Holocaust Cantata-Songs from the Camps,” a poignant English-language union of songs and text drawn from original Polish materials in the archives of the U.S. Holocaust Museum. The first performance will be on Sunday, Feb. 23rd, at 4:00 pm at Judson Church (4101 Harriet Ave S, Mpls). The second performance will be on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 7:00 pm at Temple Israel (2323 Fremont Ave S, Mpls). There are 13 movements alternating between choral/solo singing and readings. The cantata features the combined choirs, soloists, and instrumentalists. Soloists include Philip Zawisza, baritone; Carole Schultz, soprano, Cecile Zawisza, mezzo-soprano, and Caroline Carlson, cello.

Jazz Sunday at Judson Church on Sunday, February 23 at 9:30 am

This Sunday, Feb. 23rd, at 9:30 am. Jazz Sunday with the Judson All-Star Band. Music is a gift from God, and this will be a morning filled with music, fun, and spirituality! Members of the band include church members, Jim ten Bensel (trombone and trumpet), Scott Johnson (sax), Josh Johnson (sax), and Scott Simpson (drums) and joining them will be Ollie Lyle (bass), Dale Alexander (piano), and Russ Peterson (woodwinds).

National Day of Racial Healing

National Day of Racial Healing. The City of Minneapolis Office of Race and Equity, along with City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins, is hosting a community event at Judson Church in Fellowship Hall for the National Day of Racial Healing.  The event is January 21 from 4 – 6 p.m. and will center around criminal justice reform. All are invited. It is free and there will be catered food. Volunteers are needed to take down tables and chairs after the program.

RISE UP! Monday, January 20 – 30th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast, Please click on the link below to register.

“An individual has not started living until he can RISE above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” —Martin Luther King Jr.

Judson Church invites you to a MLK Holiday Breakfast on January 20, presented in conjunction with the General Mills Foundation and UNCF to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In addition to a delicious breakfast, you’ll enjoy a livestream from the Armory of this year’s keynote speaker, The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., the former Attorney General of the United States and the first African-American to serve in that position. The breakfast starts at 7 am; the cost is just $5. Learn more and register at “Register for MLK Breakfast“. This year we welcome Holy Trinity Lutheran Church as host partners.