Upcoming Events for February 2023

Empty Bowls-Sunday, February 12

Judson Church is hosting Empty Bowls! Team up with us as we Tackle Hunger at our annual Empty Bowls event! Join us for SOUPer Bowl Sunday pregame event on Sunday, February 12th from 10:30 am – 2 pm at Judson Church. A suggested $25 donation gets you a handmade bowl, as well as delicious soup, bread, and desserts from local restaurants. Proceeds benefit Nicollet Square, a project of Beacon Interfaith Housing and the Kingfield Neighborhood Association. For more information: https://kingfield.org/kingfield-empty-bowls/. volunteer sign up: Questions or want to support this event as a sponsor? Contact Sarah Linnes-Robinson, KFNA Executive Director at sarah@kingfield.org. 

Pancake Breakfast & Jazz Sunday – February 19th at 8:30 am! 

We will feast before the fast of Lent with a pancake breakfast starting at 8:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Then at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary, we will welcome the Judson Jazz All-Stars (Jim ten Bensel, Ollie Lyle, Dale Alexander, Scott Simpson, Scott Johnson, and Josh Johnson). All are welcome to this free event!

Climate Justice Discussion February 19 – 11 to noon

Identifying Environmental Justice Components of the new IRA legislation: Please join us on Sunday, February 19th during the second hour (11 to Noon) in the Judson sanctuary for a discussion led by Jo Olson, Senior Director for Communications and Engagement at Fresh Energy.  She will “unpack” for us, the potential environmental impacts of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The Act includes practical provisions that offer tax credits for new and used electric cars, more efficient home appliances, and building energy-saving upgrades while also addressing Environmental Justice concerns for BIPOC and other disadvantaged communities.  Many of the Act’s grants and incentives require matching funds from state and local units of government so one of Fresh Energy’s largest priorities is to ensure that Minnesota does not miss out on the unprecedented long-term funding opportunities in the Inflation Reduction Act.  We need to let our elected leaders know that these programs are important for the viability of our communities and for the environment/climate.